As previosuly reported on this website in 2017, Theresa May made it clear when speaking to Andrew Neil during the General Election of 2017 that she backed the Naylor Report into the future of the NHS, including the sale of NHS hospitals and land. The ease at which this can be done was facilitated well in advance by the Tories in 2013 when they set up a limited company called NHS Property Services giving them ownership of some 3,600 hospital buildings. NHSPS is owned by the Dept of Health. Here you can watch a short video made by two doctors, Dr Bob Gill and Dr Sarah Gangoli that goes into the detail of one aspect of the privatisation of the NHS - the land-grab - implementation of the Naylor Report:
Source: YouTube / Unionsafety See also: Theresa May Admits To Andrew Neil She Will Asset Strip The NHS The Naylor Report - Asset Stripping of NHS Property and Land