Local NHS services across the country have been privatised by stealth. As was stated by Tory MP Oliver Letwin, the NHS will become purely a badge under which private healthcare companies and healthcare insurance companies will be delivered. The Health & Care Bill puts into law what has already been done - breaking up the NHS into 42 autonomous privately run Integrated /Care Systems aka Accountable Care Organisations mirroring the US Healthcare System with American companies heavily involved. The principle of UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE provided by a NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE which was set up in 1948 has now been abolished! In place of it is localised and fragmented healthcare services who are now able to follow the American model of limiting or refusing healthcare treatment on the basis that it would minimise the profit made by healthcare private companies. Every Doctor is an organisation of doctors, GPs and clinical staff who oppose this and as such they have produced an interactive map of England which when a postcode is submitted, will show you the NHS services that have already been privatised. The intention is that it will eventually provide visitors the ability to fill-in their postcode to the page, so that it will then bring up those NHS services privatised in the postcode area. Right now the private companies delivering what used to be delivered by the NHS and is now being delivered by private healthcare organisations, some from the USA; is co9mpletely denied and hidden behind the NHS badge. It must be remembered that the Labour Party brought us the NHS immediately after the end of the Second World War, implementing its opening in 1948. It must also be remembered that subsequent Labour Party MPs have been no friends of the NHS, and that Tory Governments did all they could to date to privatise it; starting with Thatcher and her cronies. But remembered too that in 1997 one Tony Blair employed Simon Stevens European President of United Health the sixth largest US Healthcare Company; as an advisor to Alan Milburn Labour's Health Security who also had interests in private healthcare companies. He later came up with both PFI and as suggested by Oliver Letwin and Jonathon Redwood's policy document ('The Biggest Enterprise') to Thatcher in 1988; to provide each hospital control over its own budget. Hence the construction of NHS Trusts, without which further privatisation of the NHS would not have been possible. Whilst the private sector was used to make inroad into the already existing patient waiting list and introducing the 4 hour max wait target for patients attending A&E, Milburn and Stevens went further ahead with plans that would ultimately lead to the privatisation and subsequent abolition of the NHS' provision of a Universal healthcare service as determined by the 1948 Act which brought into being the NHS. The Health and Social Care Act of 2012 and now the Health & Care Bill 2022 will see the abolition of the NHS! Source: Every Doctor / Unionsafety See also: NHS Privatisation News Archive