2024-10-01 15:58

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Health and Care Bill Granted Royal Assent In Milestone Of Abolition Of The NHS

On 25th April whilst Trade Unions in general slept as the NHS was being destroyed by the Tory Government, and Union members and the general public were never alerted by the media; the Government quietly issued a press release on its website, in triumph that it had finally abolished the principle of universal healthcare for all, and at the same time broken up the NHS in England into 42 autonomous bodies, ripe for American healthcare companies to take over and for the soon to be complete privatisation of healthcare in England!

Image: Health & Care ActUnionsafety and NHS supporters and campaigners have highlighted even before the 2012 Health & Social Security Act that this day would come and that the ultimate aim was to, and still is to; Americanise our Health Service, making it the same as that of the USA which is known to have the worst healthcare outcome of any healthcare service in the western world!

The Government claim that they have saved healthcare in England:

'The Health and Care Act builds on the proposals for legislative change set out by NHS England in its Long Term Plan, while also incorporating valuable lessons learnt from the pandemic to benefit both staff and patients.

It marks an important step in the government’s ambitious health and care agenda, setting up systems and structures to reform how health and adult social care work together, tackle long waiting lists built up during the pandemic, and address some of the long-term challenges faced by the country including a growing and ageing population, chronic conditions and inequalities in health outcomes.'

Now you will soon see patients who become ill on holiday in the UK or whilst working in a separate area than that in which they live, being refused hospital care and told to go to the hospital where they live!

The adding to the list of the current 31 healthcare procedures not done on the NHS, and the replacement of GP surgery visits and Hospital clinic visits as out-patients; with mobile phone applications and AI systems taking over from GPs to provide initial diagnosis of health conditions!

The Act no longer means that Emergency services and A&E Depts have to be provided in the communities that each of these so-called Integrated Care Systems operate.

Unionsafety will bring you further articles on just what this now means for healthcare in England, what further legislation the Government plans to come up with, just as it has done for the last 10 years.

Source: UK Gov / unionsafety

See also: On International Worker’s Memorial Day We Will Now Commemorate The Death Of The NHS

and NHS Abolition/Privatisation News Archive

Pic: Bak to News icon link

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