Get a life -
Panorama Examines Britain's Long-hours Culture

Panorama examines Britain's long-hours culture and asks children what they think of their parents working lives.

More than a fifth of us say that "work/life balance" is the most important consideration when making career choices. Panorama asks why British workers continue to clock up some of the longest hours in Europe.

While the government's policies on flexible working have so far succeeded in giving more than a million people family-friendly hours, the vast majority have been women. Unless dads also make use of these policies, is there a danger that mums will be forced into lower-skilled, lower-status jobs?

These are just some of the questions reporter Shelley Jofre explores in 'Get A Life', as she herself juggles full-time work with raising a two year old. Shelley follows four hard-working families from Livingston, West Lothian, who find that their jobs and family commitments often pull them in different directions.

More children than ever now live in households with both parents working yet they are rarely asked for their views on the subject. In a nationwide ICM opinion poll, Panorama asks teenagers what they think of their parents' working lives - with some remarkable results.

The programme was broadcast Sunday 29th January, but if you wish to see it again or you missed it, you can do so via the BBC website.

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