Survey Links Sickness Absence, Business Performance and Occupational Health Care

Companies should invest in occupational health (OH) to help reduce absence rates and improve employee welfare.

A major survey of sickness absence trends in manufacturing companies has shown a clear link between significant investment in occupational health (OH) and business benefits of reduced short and long term absence rates as well as improved employee welfare.

The survey of over 600 companies, carried out by EEF, the manufacturers' organisation and, one of the largest of its kind in the UK, showed that where there is OH support (either internal or external) 39% of companies saw a reduction in short-term absence and, 28% of companies saw a reduction in long-term absence. This compares with declines of 22% and 19% respectively who saw a decrease where there was no OH provision.

The figures are a clear vindication that committing resources to tackling sickness absence and placing an emphasis on rehabilitation and getting people back to work can benefit both employers and employees.

Further info in the EEF press release

source: EEF

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