TUC Comment On CIPD Sick Absence Survey

The annual survey of sick absence as published by the Chartered Institute of Personell and Development is out today (17th July) and as always claims that sick absence is rife amongst the public sector.

Commenting on the CIPD's annual absence management survey , TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said:

"This report peddles the tired old myth that public sector workers are more likely to take time off work sick. This is simply not the case.

Recent research from the Health and Safety Executive shows that one of the main reasons why surveys tend to show greater levels of public sector absence is because the private sector traditionally under-reports time taken off sick by its employees.

Also this research ignores the fact that public sector employers are more likely to try to retain members of staff who have been off work whereas workers who take time off ill in the private sector run the risk of being sacked. Better sick pay schemes in the public sector also allow staff to be off until they are better, whilst a lack of cash often forces many private sector employees to return to work before they are well."

However the latest survey on the subject from the Health and Safety Executive last week found evidence of higher rates of employer under-recording of employee absence within the private sector.

The Survey on Workplace Absence, Sickness and (ill) Health (SWASH) 2005 can be found here.

Additionally you can view the CIPD Absence Survey here.

Source: TUC

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