8 mins 30 secs - Modern Plague Called Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma You Tube Video - click to viewIf you were ever complacent about asbestos exposure, then watching this video will cure you of that!

The true impact of the modern plague called Mesothelioma is brought home in a stark video lasting just 8 and a half minutes.

Made to launch Mesothelioma Action Day on 27th February, brave participants relate to the viewer the human cost of this terrible, but mostly ignored disease.

Published on You Tube, the video brings home the true impact of the disease on friends, family and the victim.

It also gives some frightening facts about asbestos exposure and the disease.

You cannot aford not to give youself just 8 and a half minutes to view this video.

Watch it, then take part in the Mesothelioma Action Day on 27th February - do it out of respect for the victims of today and those of tomorrow!

Asbestos Awareness Day - 27th February 2007

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