Quality Of Your Working Life?

The TUC is linking up with the University of Portsmouth to assess how workers gauge their quality of working life.

It wants people to take part in the university's national online survey on issues including working hours, flexibility and the pace of work.

The quick survey will help the TUC to hone its campaigning and recruitment strategies.

Previous research has suggested that trade union members are more likely to perceive injustices at work, so tend to rate their quality of working life rather pessimistically.

The national launch of the survey is scheduled for the autumn, but the TUC's Changing Times Newsletter readers are invited to take part in a preview.

The survey only takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete. We will then be able to let you know whether CTN readers' views on working life are typical or, as we expect, leading the debate.

Fill out the online survey now - it is quick and easy. Individual responses are completely confidential. If you've questions about the survey, contact Dr Julian Edwards, Applied Psychology Unit, University of Portsmouth.

Source: TUC Changing Times

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