TUC Occupational Health & Safety Certificate Now Online

The TUC has extended it's education programme to include health & safety on-line courses which will mean far more USRs gaining qualifications than has previously been the case.

Click to download pdf fileThis specific course will help health and safety reps become better reps by building health and safety organisation in the workplace; tackling welfare and environmental issues; deepening and extending the capacities of learners enabling them to access union health and safety posts or Higher Education opportunities.

It also helps by developing personal/study skills, the ability to work collectively and generally improve the confidence of learners to study at a higher level.

The course is delivered over 36 weeks spread over three terms, and full details and an application form can be obtained direct form the TUC website

You can also download a pdf version of the full list of on-line education available from the TUC by clicking the pic above.

Source: TUC press release

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