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HSE Launches Work Related Stress Website

Click the pic to access the siteThe HSE has launched a new website aimed at work related stress and hyow to tackle it.

This time though, it is aimed at giving advice to HR and other managers on how to tackle work related stress.

The website pages are broken down into sections aimed at HR Managers, CEO and Boradd Memberfs, and Employees.

For example some of the main points aimed at CEOs are:

  • Everyone in your organisation has a responsibility for tackling work-related stress.

  • By leadership you can set the culture of the organisation to recognise that organisational and individual health are key components of business performance.

  • Many employers underestimate the extent to which employees suffering from stress, anxiety and depression and other forms of mental illness. Often there is unintentional discrimination and stigmatisation against sufferers.

  • There is a strong business case for promoting mental health and well-being and minimise work-related stress.

  • Most organisations will have will have stress-related problems, even if they do not call them that. The key is to find out, in a systematic way, where the problems are, and how and why they are happen.

  • Most medium to large-scale organisations will have stress-related problems, even if they do not call them that.

You can access the website by clicking on the pic!

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