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Report Confirms Value Of Unions To UK Business

A joint statement setting out the positive contribution that modern union reps can make to the workplace has been launched this month by the Department for Business, the TUC and the CBI.

Featuring real life examples where well-known companies have worked with union representatives to bring about changes that have been in the best interests of the employer and the workforce, the case studies show that union reps can be a major resource in the workplace.

The report is in the E-Library - click to download nowReps in Action shows how modern union representatives and company managers have worked together to deal with situations that can occur in any workplace and as a result have, for example, improved working practices, enhanced workplace training provision or lead to greener workplaces.

According to research conducted by BERR in 2007, union reps are worth between £3.4bn and £10.2bn to the UK economy, on the basis that their presence in a workplace brings about a combination of productivity gains, reduced staff turnover, less time off as a result of sickness, improved health and safety and better training for staff.

TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said: 'This joint publication reveals the positive contribution that union reps can make in the workplace. In these tough times Britain's businesses need as much support as possible. Union reps can be a vital resource not only for unions and their members, but also for the companies and organisations that employ them.

'The business benefits of a union presence at work add further weight to the case for union equality reps and union green reps being given new legal rights to paid time off to do their duties and to undertake training related to their union work.

'At the moment union equality reps and green reps - unlike shop stewards, learning and safety reps - often have to carry out union work in their own time and as a result are not nearly as effective as they could be if they had paid time off to carry out their union duties. That's why the TUC is campaigning hard for statutory rights for these reps.'

You can donwload the report, Reps In Action from the E-Library and by clikcing on the pic above.

Source: TUC

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