You can search the E-library using any of the criteria below

Try searching by category first.

You can view a full alphabetical list of Categories on this page

For a full list of categories to choose from: click on the arrow down in the search category box

This will then give you a full list of documents in that category to download.

Search by a single keyword in order to narrow down the search results.

(e.g. display for Display Screen Equipment) ensuring the category box is set at 'All'.

This will then give you an alphabetical list of documents, in order of relevancy, or Date to choose from.

(Use the scroll bar to the right to read off the search results below)

Single Key Word:

Enter a single word which you expect to find in the document, or the subject of the document

Then use your browser navigation bar to the right to view the results

Choose from the drop-down menu
Order By:

(Results will appear below)

Showing 1 - 10 of 87 results

(To download the file to your computer, right-click on title and choose 'save target as' )

The files in PDF format will require Acrobate Reader to be present on your PC.

(If you don't have it, you can download it here)


Pic: Click to do new search

Pic: Click to go to Front Page

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