Daniel Hannan, a newly made Tory Peer and a leading advocate of Brexit has announced via his article for the Conservative Home website, his plans for the immediate cull of EU Directives which provide worker’s rights, consumer protection, health protection from dangerous chemicals, and anything else that can be considered a barrier to trade.
This includes safeguards in the use of consumer’s personal data and in pay and terms of conditions at work, GM foods and the disposal of environmentally-damaging vehicles.
He argues that now is the opportunity to dump all these EU based restrictions in spite of the fact in doing so, the EU has the right to inflict wide-ranging tariffs or other sanctions on the UK if it breaches the so-called ‘level playing field’ that is intrinsic to the agreement Boris Johnson signed less than three weeks ago; reports The Independent newspaper.
This follows promises he denied ever wishing to implement - breaking the UK Government free from EU rules and ensuring that the UK mirrors the USA business practices and standards!
With Union safety warning for the last 10 years exactly what a Tory Government intended to do to worker’s rights, the NHS, food safety and environmental protections, the list from Daniel Hanna confirms exactly that which this website has warned would happen under a Tory Government. This became much clearer in the run up to the criminal and fraudulent EU Referendum in 2016.
All of this of course exposes the true aims of leaving the EU - to remove all and every piece of legislation that prevents maximum profit for businesses bosses, share holders, investors; and regulates their activities and products in any way.
In his Conservative Home article entitled: “Britain is skint – so we should use our post-EU freedom to grow ourselves out of this mess.” the ex-Tory MEP argues that now is the time to dump all EU restrictive regulations.
He lays the blame for the3 current economic damage at Covid-19 and says that “…none of these things happened as a result of our leaving the EU. Indeed, January 1 saw a smooth flow of traffic at the Channel ports – in marked contrast to the previous week when, still under EU law during the transition period, hundreds of mainly Eastern European drivers were trapped in Kent by France’s border closures.”
His article peddles clear untruths and are mere fodder for his argument to privatise everything including the NHS: “If we were looking at the past year logically, we would see that the private sector often succeeded where state bureaucracies failed. Public Health England, Ofqual, NHS procurement and a hundred other agencies were unable to discharge their basic functions. But Tesco kept its shelves full, Amazon expanded to meet our demand and Pfizer found a vaccine.”
But we need to be clear in what he is actually calling for the Government to pull the plug on, and the huge damage to the welfare, both physical and mental, to the health of the citizens of the UK and, indeed the wholesale diminishing of the UK’s standard of living, and the inevitable increase in cancers, workplace deaths, suicides and shortening of life expectancy that his plans will cause.
In the USA, and according to the US CDC, over 30,000 American citizens die from cancer related illness caused by the US food and agricultural industry of using banned chemicals (in UK and EU), banned anti-biotics and growth hormones in meat and poultry and the use of dangerous chemicals currently banned in the UK and EU.
Courtesy of the Independent newspaper, here is the breakdown of exactly what Daniel Hannan is calling on the Tory Government to abolish from the UK’s statute book:
* the Temporary Workers’ Directive – which guarantees agency staff receive equal pay and conditions with employees in the same business.
* the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – that gives individuals control over their personal data and limits its transfer to other countries.
* the ban on products made from genetically modified (GM) crops – potentially allowing US food derived that way into the UK, as part of a future trade deal.
* the REACH Directive – to outlaw chemicals linked to health problems including cancer, thyroid disease, hormone disruption and slow development.
* the End of Life Vehicles Directive – to achieve environmentally-friendly dismantling and recycling, with targets for the reuse of vehicles and their components.
* the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) – introduced to regulate hedge funds and private equity following the 2008 financial crash.
* the ‘Droit de suite’ rules – that pay artists a fee on the resale of their works of art, instead of the American ‘first-sale doctrine’ that removes rights from subsequent sales.
* “chunks of” the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) – the legal framework to harmonise regulation of securities markets and trading venues.
All of this was forecast by this website and by those within the Trade Union movement opposing Brexit in the first place, and is a mirror of what the US Trade Representative Dept wants in a trade deal with the UK!
Source: Conservative Home / The Independent / Unionsafety