ONS Figures Show Increase In Covid Infections In England And Wales Infections have increased in England, Wales and Northern Ireland according to stats published today Friday 23rd July 2021 which cover the UK Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases continued to increase in England and have increased in Wales and Northern Ireland in the week ending 17 July 2021, while in Scotland the trend is uncertain in the most recent week. The estimated percentage of the community population (those not in hospitals, care homes or other institutional settings) that had COVID-19 was:
Across England, the percentage of people testing positive continued to increase in all age groups in the week ending 17 July 2021, except for those in school Year 7 to school Year 11 where the trend is uncertain. Infections have also continued to increase in all English regions in the most recent week, except for the North East and North West, where the trends are uncertain. UK Stats For Covid-19 infections July But how are these statistics compiled and who analysis them? The Office of National Statistics is considered to provide definitive statistical information on a whole variety of subjects which can often determine Government policies or at least influence them. However, it is important to understand the limitations of the statistical evidence. The ONS pints out that:
For the Covid-19 infection study, the US data company IQVIA processes the registration of volunteers taking part in the study and the raw data it gathers on behalf of the ONS and the University of Oxford. This US company also employs the staff that are used to make visits to the homes of those participating in the UK-wide study, and whose telephone advisers book appointments for a nurse or study health worker to visit the participants home to complete the study. For details about the study, and those organisations carrying out the study, visit the ONS website here Full information and how to take part is available via the ONS website here You can download or view on-line the latest Covid-19 Infections Bulletin here As previously reported by Unionsafety, the involvement of IQVIA and other US data and healthcare and insurance companies has been the case since 2010, with the practice of embedding US companies within NHS Trusts, NHS England, NHS Digital and indeed in all ares of the NHS! Billions of pounds of NHS funding has been given to these American companies, and it is about to get worse after the Health and Care Bill gets passed later this year. Source: ONS / Unionsafety See also: NHS Privatisation News Archive |