Unionsafety Pays Tribute To Those Losing Their Lives To Work throughout April, the month in which International Workers Memorial Day takes place annually on the 28th day.
Remembering those who have lost their lives due to the criminal acts of their employers who ignore deliberately their responsibility for the welfare and health and safety of the men and women they employ.
Whilst the HSE publish annual death at work figures, they are by far totally INACURATE and therefore invalid.
The death toll every year of avoidable incidents which kill workers are an actual disgrace and Covid-19 has added to those numbers following the failure and criminal acts of the UK Government as a result of the lack of PPE, the provision of faulty and outdated PPE, and the awarding of contracts to their friends whilst blatantly ignoring the competitive tendering process; many of whom have never manufactured or provided PPE to the NHS or any other employer before this pandemic.
Hazards Campaign have included all incidents of workers deaths, many of which the HSE ignores e.g. deaths of those driving to and from work, deaths of those driving as part of work, self employed persons deaths, workers killed in airline accidents whilst traveling as part of their work, and many more. HSE figures are based only on reported deaths and injuries via the RIDDOR process which is grossly under reported.
The Whole Story Work-related injuries, illness and deaths
Source: Hazards Campaign / unionsafety E-Library