With the official Cop26 meeting for Governments and big business interests and priorities rather than the priorities needed to really solve the Climate Crisis using factual scientific based resolutions to slow down the imminent terminal damage to our planet; the only Climate Conference which relates entirely to the needs citizens of the Earth is being held on-line and in person next week commencing 7th November 2021. One of the major events is all about the secret commercial courts that unionsafety has reported on previously during the anti-TTIP trade agreements campaign which included negotiated with the USA/EU and Canada/EU. The Investor State Disputes System allows total control over Government environmental, food, agriculture and farming, manufacturing and consumer safety policies with the threat of being sued in secret commercial courts held in Washington, USA in the event a signatory country to the Trade Deal concerned, passes any laws which will have a negative affect on the current or FUTURE profits of the businesses and global companies involved! This has already proven to cost countries billions in revenue as a result of being made to pay exorbitant remedial financial compensation to claimants. Such agreements which include ISDS secret courts, will effectively stop the necessary actions required to limit global warming, and exemplifies how the Earth's resources are being plundered in the name of greed and profit of big business across the globe! Hazards Campaign is involved with a number of organisations: ITUC, TUCAN, to name just two. They are holding their own on-line COP 26 event: Cop26 on-line event on 8th November 2021 entitled: To attend this on-line event, please register on the COP26 peoples summit website by clicking on the pic above Speakers and timetable: Hazards Campaign has oodles of info available on social media too, including their podcasts and video recordings of their on-line events here Their latest event was entitled Hybrid Working Held last month and chaired by Janet Newsham from Hazards and TUCAN You can download her report of the event here |