Once again, an old friend of unionsafety and a retired Chemist by profession, questions the actions of our Government in dealing with the Covid pandemic. In this, his latest article on Covid and the Government's response, he examines the current situation and the future path for the UK in dealing with the virus. Having long retired but still known within the scientific community, he wishes to remain anonymous. Nevertheless, his words are no less valid for wishing to remain retired and, incognito, as it were: Well here we are some three months to the day from when we were ‘liberated’ to rotate back into a world of ‘normality’ albeit with some differences. This government in it’s ‘wisdom’ acting on the ‘carefully’ considered advice of sundry experts and advisors decided that we the British public should ‘refrain’ from the safe activities associated with the pandemic to a greater or lesser extent. At the time of writing (19 Oct 21) in fact those three months on, the ONS and associated bodies have published the daily Covid data that indicates one of the highest positive case rate days (approx 50,000) from a selection of 16 days throughout the whole pandemic period ! It is most certainly the highest rate reported since 19 july 2021- and sadly the death rate has not ‘improved’ either (approx 224 deaths on 19 oct 21). Furthermore the UK remains 4th in the overall world league table of covid statistics. Not a statistic to be proud of! The grim fact is that a ‘rough’ figure of deaths for the UK for the whole period is approx 138,629, depending on whatever source you read- in my opinion it is possibly in excess of 165,000 ! The statistics are there for all time, and will find their place along with influenza (particularly in winter) and the common cold likewise. Do these stark facts sound too simplistic? Well, they can be subjected to question of course and I am only too aware of the various arguments and dialectic regarding which of these statistics is of the higher relevance etc. However, one thing I do know, and sadly feel it is within my remit to report on is; despite the miracle production and distribution of the several vaccine types together with valid testing procedures we are still left with the reality of the figures presented above. Matters have not ‘improved’ in certain respects. Most alarmingly is the phenomenon of a large percentage of the population believing that the virus has simply ‘ gone away’ and the risks are ‘ few’ and indicated by the absence of face coverings and the lack of sensible social distancing. In all of these 92 days since July 19 2021, the day that would make or break us in all of this was designed to either to identify a change for the better or make us realise it was not over and we should remain cautious-; the reader will decide for him/ herself as to their own conclusions. In previous articles my brief has always set out to explain straightforwardly the scientific/ technical aspects of this pandemic and it’s aspects. I hope this has gone some part of the way to enable readers to have an advantage in understanding the assorted information that we are confronted with. Despite all of this, life has changed, for the better or worse, only we can decide, but it is littered with uncertainties and strange circumstances. The general debate on the science, the progress and resolution of the pandemic is hopefully not too far away, along with how, and where mistakes were made and responsibility of course; that may well be the subject of a future article- watch this space!! Whether it was the delay, the calumny of track and trace, the accuracy or not of the tests, or the latest errors of 43,000 faulty covid test results - the many and the various will surely come to light. We are in the midst of the pandemic still, yet we have a government insistent on the administration of the Cop 26 conference together with a series of ambitious and expensive proposals regarding fossil fuels inter alia - so the great debate in whatever regards starts here. My opinion for what it is worth - the greater risk and threat is here and now with the rise of this virus - the reader will decide in due course. But don’t despair, your correspondent has a reasonably clear view of what ‘the powers that be ’ have in store for us all. Readers may also wish to follow up a law process associated with the final Covid Inquiry - it is interesting and indicates that someone has set justice in all of this as their aim: The Good Law Project Government ordered to reveal the names of companies in the PPE VIP lane It concerns The Immensa scandal – in which the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) found at least 43,000 people may have wrongly been given a negative Covid test result – is a powerful further reminder of the harm that can result to public health from opaque contracting arrangements with unsuitable counterparties. In the meanwhile, after the pumpkins and fireworks have gone away, let’s look forward to a well supplied, cheery, but safe and healthy Christmas and 2022. Here’s to us all!