The CWU have always supported the Stoptober quit smoking campaign since it was set up several years ago. The Union's National Health, Safety & Environment Officer, Dave Joyce has written to all CWU Branches to encourage involvement in the campaign and to provide support and information for Branch members wishing to get help in quitting smoking: We are reminding Branches of the national ‘Stoptober Campaign’ promoted by the National Health Service, Public Health England and UK Government as well as being supported by many UK Health Charities and Professional Health Organisations. The British Lung Foundation (BLF) is one such important charity and one of many supporting the ‘Stoptober Campaign’. BLF is the only UK charity looking after the nation’s lungs. With people’s support, they aim to make sure that one day everyone breathes clean air with healthy lungs. Stoptober runs throughout the month of October and there’s never been a better time to quit! Stopping smoking is the best thing smokers can do for their own health – and the health of people around them. It’s never too late to quit. Smokers start seeing the benefits immediately, not just for their own health but also their finances. There are a number of ways the NHS can support people to quit smoking in Stoptober. The Stoptober App (available on the App Store and Google Play) shows how much money smokers save by stopping, and people can subscribe to get a daily email to boost their motivation. People can also join the stop smoking community or receive more personal support. Don’t forget the local NHS Stop Smoking Services are free, friendly and can massively boost the chances of quitting for good. GPs, asthma nurses and pharmacists can advise anyone how to get started, talk to people about treatments like nicotine patches, and check individuals’ current medication. Giving up smoking is not easy, but the benefits are huge:
What happens when you quit Smoking?
Did you know? Stopping smoking not only improves your physical health but also is proven to boost your mental health and wellbeing. Quitting can improve mood, and help relieve stress, anxiety and depression. Non-Smokers If you don’t smoke, why not try and support and reassure someone who does, remind them of the benefits of giving up. Stoptober Website If you need support to stop smoking there is lots of guidance on the ‘Stoptober’ Website at: www.nhs.uk/OneYou/Stoptober and the RMG ‘Feeling First Class’ Website t: www.feelingfirstclass.co.uk Royal Mail Group For more information on how to stop smoking and general wellbeing why not take a look at the Royal Mail Group ‘Feeling First Class’ Website at; www.feelingfirstclass.co.uk (Use the code FFC1 to sign up). Download The Free NHS Quit Smoking App https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/nhs-smokefree/id687298065 Get a free NHS Personal Quit Plan Quitting smoking is easier with the right support. Give up for 28 days, and you’re 5 times more likely to quit for good – get your plan now! https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/quit-smoking/personal-quit-plan/ Find your local NHS Stop Smoking Service There’s a free local Stop Smoking Service (LSSS) near you. With their professional help, you’re 3 times as likely to quit for good. https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/quit-smoking/find-your-local-stop-smoking-service/ Resources There are also lots of excellent resources, materials and ideas for ways to support giving up smoking on the NHS and PHE Stoptober web sites. Visit the following Links: NHS Website: Quit Smoking This Stoptober PHE Website: https://campaignresources.phe.gov.uk/resources/campaigns/126-stoptober-2021 British Lung Foundation: https://www.blf.org.uk/take-action/campaign-with-us/stoptober