2022-02-10 14:00

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NHS Backlog Of 6 Million Patients Being Managed By Private Companies Consultants

Over £21 Million Pounds has been awarded to just 7 private companies to provide consultants to the 42 ICS which are not even statutory bodies until the Health & Care Bill becomes law.

The backlog of some 6 million patients awaiting 'elective' surgery and treatments cannot apparently be left to the medical experts in the NHS, but has to be driven by management consultants, in what is yet another plunder of NHS funds by the Government to award their private sector pals even more profit!

The seven companies granted the contracts are:

Image: click to go to news itemBramble Hub Limited,

Deloitte LLP,

Ernst & Young LLP,


McKinsey & Company,

Newton Europe,


All these companies have been involved with the secret Downing Street committee involved in designing the americanisation of the NHS and take-over by private companies from both the USA and the UK. The 42 Integrated Care Systems came out of the work done by this committee and countless private healthcare consultants and representatives.

But the true cost may well increase to £42 Million says NHS England

The Health Service Journal reports on the contracts and the fact that NHS England will be spending NHS money on private consultants [has it has done ever since it was formed after the Health & Social Care Act in 2012] in securing the best way of tackling the patient backlog [caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and prioritising the treatment of these patients over that of all other NHS patients.]

Referring to the contract awards is says:

"It indicates NHSE will be asking ICSs to carry out substantial work on elective recovery planning in the coming months, even though they are not due to be put on a statutory footing until July, and have not yet appointed their executive teams."

The same news item adds:

"NHS England told HSJ in a statement: “NHS teams in every part of the country continue to pull out all the stops to provide as many non-urgent tests, checks and treatments as possible to those people who need them, with priority given to those in the greatest clinical need and those who have been waiting longest.

In order to support those teams to go further and faster, short-term analytical and planning support from existing approved suppliers will be made available for local areas to use as needed.”

This is yet further evidence of how the private sector is being put in charge of the NHS under this Tory Government and their quango of appointed officials called NHS England.

System planning notice of award: System Planning Support - Contracts Finder

Source: HSJ / NHS England / Gov.UK website

See also: NHS Privatisation News Archive

Pic: Bak to News icon link

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