This year, John Flanagan, MAVS (Merseyside Asbestos Victims Support Group) and Jamie McGovern, (CWU) Grter Mersey Amal, wrote to local officials as part of their IWMD 2024 event campaign on Merseyside asking for ALL iconic buildings on Merseyside to be lit up in purple, in order to add even more buildings to those that were lit up last year. Joining the 'light-up' campaign from last year are also a range of organisers of their local IWMD events across the Region including Carl Webb, CWU's NW Regional Secretary, Mark Holt CWU regional H&S Lead, not to mention several USRs involved and with the support of Tommy from Greater Manchester Hazards Campaign. It is also good that the day is getting support from Merseyside Police, who are lighting up their new police HQ at 20:30 with an event that everyone is invted to attend. Details and RSVP can be seen here But it doesn't stop there. The TUC is showing a national IWMD2024 events list so you can see what is happening on the day in your area, and where public buildings may be lit up in purple. There are lots of links to the events taking place for this year's IWMD here Unionsafety asks for photos of any local buildings lit up on the evening of 28th April (this coming Sunday) to be copied to or via Twitter (now X) @unionsafety or via unionsafety on WhatsApp. This way, we will be able to add photos from across the NW region of the buildings lit up, with full credit to those supplying them to be given on the website. Jamie McGovern has put together a superb and comprehensive MS Sway document detailing the campaign to Light Up Public Buildings in Purple which is the colour used to commemeraate those who have paid with their lives because of bad decisions by bad employers and the lack of adequate H&S legislation in some cases.
Last Year's photos can be seen here See also: International Workers' Memorial Day Archive for reports of events from previous years.