2024-10-01 15:58

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North West TUC Safety Reps Meetings Dates For 2024

Janet Newsham Coordinator Greater Manchester Hazards Centre has advised Unionsafety via her email to all Union Safety Reps in the North West on their mailing list, that the following dates for TUC NW USR meetings via Zoom are as follows:

27th Mar

29th May

25th September

27th Nov

GM Hazards is the only major organisation in the country to be a major soruce of information on all apsects of issues pertinent to all Union Safety Reps outside oftheir own Union's health & safety organisations.

As such it covers issues from Asbestos, Cancers, industrial injuries and deaths and in particuluar is the only organisation keeping the HSE to account over its total lack of enforecement and issues such as the non-countig of work related suisicdes, deaths and injuries to those travelling for work or as part of their workload; in official workplace deaths and injuries.

The zoom meetings are a very valuable resource to discuss health and safety at work issues as well has holding dedicated meetings covering various subject matter of importance to workplace herath and safety organisation.

GM Hazards is even more important now that TUC Risks has been withdrawn and no longer provides for the needs of safety reps in terms of news and education.

Greater Manchester Hazards Centre survives because of the support it receives from trade unions, health and safety activists, sympathetic lawyers and organisations and of course the wonderful academics and other individuals, who support us as well. It is a real collaborative and collective effort and one that we never take for granted.

If you or your organization would like to affiliate to GMHC then please download an affiliation form from https://gmhazards.org.uk/index.php/about-us/ or contact janet@gmhazards.org.uk for more information.

Pic: Bak to News icon link

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