2024-10-01 15:58

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Heat Strike - Workshop For Trade Unionists

image: Clara PaillardClara Paillard from Unite and the Tipping Point Climate Justice Campaign, asks Union Safety Reps and all Trade Unionists and members to join a Heat Strike workshop for Trade Union reps and help shape workplace activities for the Heat Strike Day of Action; this Summer.

Clara spoke at this year's IWMD event in Liverpool about a wide range of issues from Indian farmers being affected by extreme weather to climate issues affecting workers in Europe. Firefighters, floods, industrial workers all over the world are taking action.

Here she discusses the latest initiative to highlight the need for action to get the attention of employers and MPs to the serious health risks of working in temperatures much higher than is normal and the cause - Climate Change:

image: Heatstrike event - click to register

As heatwaves will hit the UK in the Summer, we are preparing a call for action: Heat Strike. This will see people across the country take action to call for government and employers to:

  1. Set a national maximum working temperature - When it’s too hot to work, Heat Strike. Since 2008 unions have been calling for a maximum working temperature, but the UK government still isn’t listening. We demand the UK government set a national maximum working temperature.

  2. Put in place a heat wave furlow scheme - Heat waves in the UK are only set to get hotter and more frequent, working people can’t afford to bear the cost of climate breakdown and they shouldn’t have to. We demand the government and employers set up a heat wave furlow scheme.  

  3. Make a climate action plan - The UK government’s climate action plan has been ruled illegally inadequate. People are feeling the heat right now. We demand the government make a plan to protect workers and vulnerable people now, and to avert the worst of climate collapse in years to come

Given the anti-Trade Union legislation in the UK and the tight regulations of strikes, the Heat Strike is not a legal strike but a Day of Action, on a similar model than the Climate Strikes.

We are aiming to include a number of workplace activities Trade Unions can engage with on the Day of Action whether they are lunchtime walkout, stalls or cool stations....

Start: Wednesday, 22 May 2024 at 6:30 pm United Kingdom

End: Wednesday, 22 May 2024 at 7:30 pm United Kingdom

A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP

WE NEED YOUR IDEAS to ensure we have activities that are achievable and effective to engage workers.

JOIN OUR WORKSHOP - Click the pic!

If you missed our online session about Heat Strike, workplace temperatures and Climate Justice with the Bakers’ union and the Hazards campaign, you can watch it here

For more info, we have also put together a model motion and resource pack, click here to access it

Source: Clara Paillard

Pic: Bak to News icon link

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