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In a perfect example of the partnership approach to health and safety at work, BT Warrignton and the CWU Liverpool Clerical Branch won an award at last night's (5th April) North West Contact Centres Project 2006 Awards. The 'Workfit' team included BT managers, employees, the CWU and Connect.
The ceremony and awards dinner, presented by Roger Philips a Liverpool radio presenter,was held at the Marriott's Hotel Liverpool City Centre. In the category of 'Best Practice for identifying the causes of Occupational ill Health and good practice to prevent ill health' the judges said, 'The winning company promoted a joined up approach to tackle occupational ill health through prevention policies, and management and operative buy-in to the process. The joint delivery by management and unions was viewed as a positive attribute to the application as it was evident, throughout the submission, that this enabled major progress to be made on the project. We are happy to award this Best Practice award to BT Warrington .'
Lee Davies, Chair of the CWU Liverpool Clerical Branch said "This award gives high recognition to what can be achieved when Unions and Management work together. The Partnership has created a positive negotiation table to achieve change for the benefit of our members and the company- a true win - win situation. This has helped reduce sick leave, and special leave within BT. The CWU decided to nominate the Warrington Healthcare Partnership for this award for its outstanding work and 'Out of the box' thinking in resolving issues with management style, addressing childcare issues, promoting good health, and running series of health awareness days when we bring in outside organisations to carry out blood-pressure testing, cholesterol testing, massages etc and yes, we are over the moon about winning this award."
The NWCCP is supported by the DTI,with the CWU Liverpool Clerical Branch and other trade unions also being involved. The NW TUC is represented on it's steering group along with Liverpool Environmental Health, H@W,and CallNorthwest.
Further info: NWCCP Health@Work