New 'EU' Domain Name for Unionsafety
With the biggest rush the Internet has seen since the 'dot com' boom of the 90's, the new European designated 'domain name' was born on 7th April 2006.
Literally 100s of thousands of names were registered on the first day general registration was accepted.
Unionsafety, the NW BTU H&S Co-ord's website was one of the first to obtain registration and is now the proud owner of an .EU suffix in it's URL which donates that we are an organisation based in the European Union.
The significance for users is a simpler website address:
Additionally, search engines will find us easier and means there is no risk of our name being bought by those opportunist companies dealing with domain names trying to sell it at inflated prices.
Of course the 'old style' address ending in "" will still find us and there is no need to change the name in your browser favourites.
The new '.EU' domain name will rival that of the universally popular '.com'' which was always intended to identify a company based in the USA, but has since been used across the world.
Domain names designating country of origin of websites are not new and go along way to making the World Wide Web truly international in the minds of the users, giving national identities as was originally intended.
Unionsafety in acquiring an EU Domain Name is making itself 'future-proof', identifying itself with the fact that so much health and safety legislation comes out of Europe and is common to all countries in the EU.
Supporting as we do so many European health and safety initiatives - it makes perfect sense to add '.EU' to our website name.