Government To Overturn Asbestos Comp Ruling
The TUC has welcomed the announcement from the Prime Minister that the Government hopes to overturn the recent Barker judgement on the amount of compensation payable to the victims of mesothelioma and their families.
Last month's Law Lords ruling will affect thousands of widows, whose husbands died from mesothelioma.Firms had challenged a judgement favouring bereaved families and workers who contracted mesothelioma at work.
But Mr Blair said he hoped to make an announcement on his plans to change the House of Lords ruling in a fortnight.
"I regret that judgement. I'm looking at the moment to see the best opportunity for us to change it," he told a GMB conference in Blackpool.
"If we can change it, we will. I hope to announce something on this in a couple of weeks."
Mr Blair made the comments after he was pressed about the issue during a question and answer question at the conference.
TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said: 'If left to stand, this judgement would have meant that many victims of this dreadful disease would have either had to wait much longer for compensation, or have been denied their full entitlement.
'The Government is to be congratulated for doing the right thing and we hope that legislation will be introduced soon to end the wait and anxiety of those who have mesothelioma and their dependants.
Back in May, the TUC expressed disappointment at a House of Lords ruling which reduced the compensation received by two widows - Sylvia Barker and Mary Murray - whose husbands died from mesothelioma as a result of coming into contact with asbestos at work.
Source: TUC BBC News