HSE Warns Local NW Authorities On Two Hidden Killers
Local Authorities from throughout the North West have today been given an outline of HSE's requirements on two hidden killers - asbestos and legionella.
Over 100 senior representatives from 30 North West local authorities - including all ten from Greater Manchester - attended an HSE workshop at the Digital World Centre Salford Quays
"Asbestos fibres and Legionella bacteria are two hidden killers - you can see neither of them", says HSE's Head of Operations Richard Daniels.
"Today's event was designed to share best practice in managing the risks and real life case studies, so that local authorities in the region are fully aware of HSE's requirements of the organisational arrangements needed to do prevent risk from both.
"The aim of the workshop was help those who are responsible for managing the risks from legionella and asbestos to better control them.
"Having attended they should be able to assess if their current arrangements are either adequate or are lacking in some way so they need to take action to improve. The challenge is that whilst many authorities have controls in place, they often only exist superficially on paper. The lack of real ownership, poor communication especially with contractors and lack of competency all lead to mistakes that can, and do, give rise to harm.
"In particular we have stressed the importance of:
* robust and effective procedures for the selection of contractors
* monitoring so that what ought to be done is actually done and records are kept of the precautions;
* learning from experience, reviewing procedures, refining risk assessments; and
* ensuring any "responsible person' appointed must have the necessary competence and be given the time to look after the management of the various control schemes that are in place.
Source: Government News Network North West