Work Related Stress and Alcohol Linked
A survey commissioned by the makers of Wellman vitamins, shows that men are suffering high rates of stress and depression due to overwork.
But the survey also shows the link between work related stress and alcohol, with figures of more than 33% retreating into a pub or a bottle in order to cope.
According to reports in both the Guardian and BBC News on-line, the poll of 2,200 men found the highest levels of stress in the legal profession and banking and finance.
Further findings included:
- More than a quarter of men are suffering from exhaustion as a result of stress
- 38% are dissatisfied with their jobs
- 33% feeling that their employer rarely recognises their achievements.
- 20% men have aggressive outbursts as a result of stress at work
- 22% suffer from depression because they are unhappy with their jobs.
- 35% of men felt work pressure led to sleeping problems
- 40% struggle to switch off from work.
Professor Cary Cooper, professor of organisational psychology and health at Lancaster University, said:
"If you look at stress-related illnesses, such as heart disease, mental ill health, immune system diseases, they are higher in men.
"Women probably have double the pressures of men but their rates of illness are lower because they have better coping strategies.
"Men tend to go to the pub, blot it out and they don't talk to anyone about their problems."
Bob Patton, a researcher from the Action on Addiction Alcohol campaign group, said: "We know that men often turn to alcohol when they feel stressed because they think it will make them feel better but drinking too much alcohol will actually exacerbate the stress that they are feeling.
"If you are drinking alcohol every night as a coping mechanism for stress it will really creep up on you until it starts causing other problems including anxiety, depression as well as other health conditions."
Source: BBC News