Workplace Bullying On The Increase
Migrant workers are subjected not only to low pay, but bullying according to the GMB.
Speaking at the GMB Congress in Blackpool this week, Raj Gill GMB Hotels and catering workers Branch Secretary, relating the working conditions in one company employing mostly migrant workers,
J.F.Stone Investments Ltd
"The migrant workers are bullied in to working long hours in appalling conditions, no health and safety checks and a management regime that would have been more akin to mill owners in the last century."
The 85 strong, mainly female workforce of Polish migrant workers, are bullied and harassed into working up to 60 hours a week in potentially dangerous working conditions.
The GMB believes that Mr Stone is deliberately taking advantage of the fact that his workers are migrants with English not their first language. This company seem to believe that migrant workers have no rights at work whatsoever.
The company which provides "a prestigious dry cleaning service" to London's hotels, is also accused by the GMB of anti-union activity and intimidating workers who have joined the Union.
The continued influx of migrant workers from the old 'soviet block' from Eastern Europe continues to give unscrupulous employers the opportunity to exploit and bully, providing minimum pay and working conditions. Given that many are not strong in the English language and have no knowledge of H&S legislation, their only hope remains with Trade Union membership.
However there is growing evidence of anit-trade union activity.
Only this week, T-Mobile have ripped up their agreements with the CWU and continue their anti-trade union stance having previously employed US anti-union companies to campaign against union recognition within the company.
Source: GMB Risks CWU