North West
Workplace Fatalities Rise In Contrast To National Trends

The number of people killed in North West workplaces has risen over the last five years in contrast to the improving national trend, according to latest statistics from the Health and Safety Commission (HSC). In 2006-07 there were 33 fatalities and 3,445 serious injuries. 236,000 people suffered from an illness they believed was caused or made worse by their current or past work.

Judith HackittHealth and Safety Commission Chair Judith Hackitt said:

"Never mind banning conkers or Christmas decorations, look at these figures. This is what health and safety is about. The figures released today show the real risks faced by real people, every day of their working lives and the suffering that occurs when health and safety processes fail. Employers have a legal duty to protect their employees and visible leadership from the top of the organisation can truly influence the health and safety culture in our changing work environments."

HSE North west Regional Director David Ashton added:

"Many of the 33 North West worker deaths, and much of the ill health, could have been prevented by simple and sensible precautions. I call on all businesses to act now to help stop this toll. It is not a matter simply for HSE to prevent. There are plenty of practical precautions and HSE works with a number of partners to provide free advice and education to those both carrying out and managing work. We need businesses and self-employed people to work with us to help arrest this increase and make the North West a healthier and safer place to work. We must not let ourselves be sidetracked by 'elf and safety' stories, myths and trivia."

A full breakdown of the North West regional statistics by local authority can be obtained by clicking on the North West tab at the foot of table reginj.xls [3.1mb].

There were also 10 fatal and 1,584 non-fatal work-related injuries to members of the public in 2006-07 compared to figures of 16 and 1,560 in 2001-02.

Full details of the statistics by region can be viewed here

Full North West statistics can be viewed here

Source: GNN/HSE

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