CWU Receives Assurances About Temperatures In BT Telephone Exchanges
National Health, Safety & Environment Officer Dave Joyce has advised CWU Branches within BT that the T&FSE Health Safety and Environment Sub Committee has now received assurances from Paul Hancock, Safety Risk Manager, Openreach regarding heat in the company's telephone exchanges.
In LTB649/09 Dave provides the following information:
"Openreach is committed to ensuring a safe working environment for our colleagues working on the frame. In the first instance an engineer should approach their line manager who will assess the workplace risk as per health and safety policy.
Fans and Chilled Water help us to cool down
It is a local management responsibility to procure fans and chilled water services for engineers. This applies to all hot frames.
Where the frame is busy and there is a lot of equipment close by, fans are not enough
We have agreed with BT Operate that where two or more (fte) are working on a hot frame that a temporary air conditioning solution will be centrally provided, funded by BT Operate. We have further agreed that where the equipment in proximity of the frame is exceeding normal operating limits that a permanent cooling solution will be provided.
Where the temperature on a frame with two or more fte is high, resulting in fatigue and an increased safety risk, the line manager should contact Linda Heeraman (BEH 0207-809-7371) to request temporary air conditioning. Linda will guide the manager through the process. At this time there are no budgetary constraints on the provision of this plant however as responsible employees we must be mindful of the cost of the plant hire and the impact on our carbon footprint.
Where a frame is hot but does not qualify for provision of a cooling solution then appropriate extended cool down breaks should be taken in line with our Health and Safety policy and with prior agreement with the line manager. "
The LTB also includes the Technical Note that BT has issued on the provision of cooling for MDF areas.
Source: CWU
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