2024-06-04 17:15

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(Expertly helped by Tony Blair, Alan Milburn & Simon Stevens)

The Unionsafety E-Library also holds relevant NHS Privatisation documentation

Other NHS Privatisation Documentaries:

The Great NHS Heist

The Dirty War On The NHS from The Late John Pilger


June 2014

Labour Don't Support The NHS, They Support 42 Local Health Services Privately Run

April 2024

NHS England Closes Down Mental Health Support Services For GPs & Hospital Doctors

What Do Bankers, Big Business And Meerkats Have In Common - NHS England

Petition To Labour And Tory Ministers Regarding NHS Patient Deaths In Private Hospitals

New Report Shows Over 13,000 NHS Patients Died Waiting For Treatment In 2023

March 202

Doctors’ Trade Union Guide On Physician Associates’ Safe Working

New Study Shows Healthcare Privatisation Harms Public Health

If Labour Gave A Damn About The NHS, This Would Be Their Manifesto For Nations Healthcare

umage: report from The Nowdown on Labour's NHS Policy - click to go to websiteFebruary 2024

NHS England Appoints Business Leaders To The Board That Runs The NHS

Political Actions Have Decimated The NHS Says EveryDoctor's Chief Executive

Non-Doctors Physician Associates Made 1168 illegal Requests For Ionising Radiation Treatments Of Patients

January 2024

Urgent Public Response On NHS De-Skilling Consultation Required Now!

Government Intends Filling Doctor Vacancies With Under Qualified 'Physician Associates'


December 2023

Demonstration Against US Military Company Contract With The NHS Takes Place In London

Shadow Health Minister Streeting Attacks NHS Funding Needs

November 2023

US Spy Company Palantir To Build Database Of Every Patient's Medical Records

US Healthcare Practice Of 'Patient Dumping' Is Now In The UK

August 2023

Private Healthcare Companies To Determine Transfer Of NHS Services To The Private Sector

July 2023

Government Announcement On NHS An Insult Following 13 Years Of Tory Caused Decline

Tories Party On Anniversary Of NHS To Fundraise For Their HQ!

June 2023

Private Healthcare Companies Who Pay The Piper, Play The NHS Privatisation Tune?


November 2022

Labour's Wess Streeting Claim No NHS Strikes During Labour Gov Incorrect

October 2022

Liz Truss Trashing Of The Economy Helps Force The End Of The NHS Completely

September 2022

Media Reporting Of The Health And Care Act Favours Government Aims

June 2022

So You Don't Believe NHS England Is Pushing Patients Into Paid Private Treatment?

GP Surgeries Staffed On The Cheap Risks Patients Healthimage: Starmer - click to go to news item

May 2022

ICS Review Of Liverpool's Hospitals Ordered By NHS England

Patient Access Website Pushing Private Health Care As NHS GP Services Cut

NHS' Universal Healthcare Principle Abolished By Health Care Act : Stand Up - Fight Back

April 2022

An Act Of Denial That Endangers The NHS - Statement from the KONP

On International Worker’s Memorial Day We Will Now Commemorate The Death Of The NHS

*Health and Care Bill Granted Royal Assent In Milestone Of Abolition Of The NHS*

NHS Patients Being Used As Guinea Pigs By US Bio-Research Company Their Medical Records Stored In USA

Every Doctor Website Shows Interactive Map Of Privatised Local NHS Services

March 2022

NHS Clinical Staff To Be Turned Into A Nomadic And Flexible Workforce By AI Work Management Forecasting

Feb 2022

NHS Backlog Of 6 Million Patients Being Managed By Private Companies Consultants

Attempts To Save The NHS Continue In The House Of Lords

Jan 2022

Media Non-Reporting Of The Health And Care Bill Supports Government Aims Of NHS Abolition

Lateral Flow Tests - The First and Only NHS Health Tests You Have To Buy!

American Healthcare Centene Group In Court Over London GP Surgeries Take-Over


Image: Report by NHS Confederation recommending deregulation of healthcare services by NHS England - click to download reportDec 2021

Insurance Company Boss Now Appointed Head Of NHS NICE To Determine Drug And Treatments For NHS Patients

Boards Of Directors, Remuneration Committees - Big Business Takes Over NHS

Nov 2021

Cheshire And Merseyside ICS Reject Most Suitable Candidate For Chair Vacancy.html

Today (22nd November) Is The Last Best Hope For The Survival Of The NHS

Oct 2021

The NHS is Dead - Long Live The US Health Insurance System

NHS Broken Up Into 42 Integrated Care Systems - Full List

Northern Care Alliance Denies Treatment For Patient With Severe Burns Attending A&E

Treatments For Which GPs Are No Longer Allowed To Prescribe Medication

Labour Party Conference Exposed Labour Leadership True Position On NHS Abolition

Sep 2021

GP Sets Up Petition Against The Abolition Of The NHS

Aug 2021

Further Fragmentation Of The NHS – This Time Patient Data

Private Healthcare Companies Dominate Johnson’s NHS Advisory Team

July 2021

Statement On The Health & Care Bill by Keep Our NHS Public

Can We Expect Labour To Oppose The Americanisation And Privatisation Of The NHS?

Experienced NHS Boss Takes Over From Simon Stevens As NHS Chief

How The Health And Care Bill Abolishes The NHS

Unnecessary Healthcare Procedures And Prescribing Practices Risk Patient Care In USA

Leading Award Winning Doctor Warns This Is The End Of The NHS

BMA Voice Of NHS Doctors Condemns Health And Care Bill

Health And Social Care (Destruction Of The NHS) Bill Documents Published

The NHS Destruction Bill Gets Second Reading In Parliament Tomorrow

NHS Abolition Bill Now Published

NHS Patient Payment Services Credit Card Back On

This Bill Is The Last Act In The Destruction Of Our NHS Say Cheshire & Merseyside NHS Campaigners

NHS Abolition Bill Gets Second Reading In Parliament Tomorrow

NHS Abolition Bill Goes To Parliament Next Week

June 2021

We Want Our NHS Back - Zoom Meeting Monday 28th June

NHS Digital Private Medical Records Steal Is Postponed Until September

Petition Against Data Grab Of NHS Patients Private Medical Records

Matt Hancock Instructs GP’s To Hand Over Your Private Medical Records

Richard Branson’s Virgincare Given Seat On ICS Board Deciding On Local NHS Healthcare

NUJ Condemns Government Legislation Allowing Private Healthcare Companies On ICS Boards

Your Private Medical Records Are NOT Safe InThe Hands Of NHS England

May 2021

Patients Take Legal Action Against American Health Insurance Company
Take-Over Of Their GP Practises

Queens Speech 11th May 2021 Promises Legislation To Abolish The NHS

Architect Of NHS Transformation To The American Integrated Care Systems Model
Quits As NHS Head In July

All NHS Imaging Services To Be Privatised By Order Of NHS England

April 2021

The Abolition Of The NHS And Introduction Of Insurance Based Healthcare In England

Our NHS Is Being Abolished Now!

Private Healthcare Companies Dominate Johnson’s NHS Advisory Team

March 2021

Labour MP Wirral West Tables EDM Highlighting Tory NHS Privatisation Plans

Privatisation Of NHS England Boost As Top US Healthcare CEO Hired

US Healthcare Companies Gaining Further Hold On GP NHS Contracts

Break-up OF NHS England Into 42 Integrated Care Systems Completed Announces Stevens

February 2021

CWU Responds To NHS England Breakup Consultation Document With Condemnation

January 2021

National Pensioners Convention Lambasts Break-Up Of NHS Into Integrated Care Systems Consultation As A “Meaningless Exercise”


December 2020

Covid Excuse For Johnson's Secret Task Force Of Private Healthcare Heads To Re-Organise The NHS

Government Employs US Tech Firms To Play Long Term Role In NHS Privatisation

Public Consultation On The Immediate Future Of The NHS NOT Announced!

November 2020

Johnson’s Secret NHS Task Force Headed By Anti-NHS Policy Head Revealed

Sepetember 2020

NHS To Be Replaced By Regional Integrated Care Organisations From April 2021

August 2020

Breakdown Of Leaked Documents Betray Fact That NHS Is Well And Truly 'On The Table'
Despite Trump's Denial

April 2020

Is PHE England's Downgrading Of PPE Policy Copied From US Healthcare Company?


Image: Tony Blair NHS flamesDecember 2019

Breakdown Of Leaked Documents Betray Fact That NHS Is Well And Truly 'On The Table' Despite Trump's Denial

Labour Attacks Tory NHS Privatisation Costing 120,000 Deaths!

November 2019

Leaked Trade Papers Show NHS, Chlorinated Chicken Already On Table In US Trade Talks


October 2019

ACOs Now Rebranded AS ICOs As NHS England Fragments!

February 2019

Labour Attacks Tory NHS Privatisation Costing 120,000 Deaths!

Seventeen Medical Procedures And Interventions No Longer Funded By NHS England

January 2019

NHS Campaigners Ask Supreme Court To Review Dubious Appeal Court Ruling On New
Cost-Cutting NHS Contract

The Naylor Report - Asset Stripping of NHS Property and Land

The Naylor Report - The Truth Of NHS Property Privatisation


November 2018

Virgincare Pays No Taxes Whilst Profiting From The NHS

March 2018


NHS Land And Property Sell-Off Explained In Ten Minutes

February 2018

ACOs Now Rebranded AS ICOs As NHS England Fragments!

Despite Judicial Reviews And NHS England Consultations ACO Developments Continue In North West

Judicial Review Of ACO Backdoor Privatisation Of NHS

NHS Turned Into Limited Companies And Clinical Staff Transferred Out

Tories Refuse To Rule Out Inclusion Of The NHS In UK/US Trade Deal

January 2018

Transformation Of NHS Into American Healthcare System To Be Challenged In Court

Labour MP Calls For Full Parliamentary Scrutiny Of NHS Transformation Into US Accountable Care Organisations


December 2017

NHS Transformation Into US System Begins April '18

November 2017

Only Stopping Brexit Can Now Save The NHS From Americanisation In Future US Trade Deals

July 2017

Calls To 999 Now Only Classed As Emergency If You Have Stopped Breathing!

June 2017

Theresa May Admits To Andrew Neil She Will Asset Strip The NHS

May 2017

Your Medical Data Is Not Safe With The NHS -  It Was Always Going To Be A Computer Virus Victim

March 207

NHS Demonstration Attended By 200,000 People

February 2017

Is This The Beginning Of The End For NHS GP Surgeries?


March 2016

NHS Leaders See Brexit Having A Positive Impact On Privatisation of The NHS

September 2016

Hidden New Plans By Tories To Sell Your Private Medical Records Uncovered


August 2015

Labour Peer Supports Government Inquiry Into Moving To Pay Per Use NHS

April 2015

Sale Of Your Private NHS Health Records Stalled By Opt Out Register Failure

Pic: NHS US Vutlure


December 2014

NHS Changes Continue To Bear Gifts For The Private Sector

November 2014

The NHS Is Actually Being Abolished By Stealth - The Evidence On Film

TUC Asks: Will You Ask Your MP To Back A New Bill To Save Our NHS?

October 2014

The Trade Deal That Outlaws Government Legislating On Health, Safety And The NHS

UNITE Warn That Privatisation Of The NHS Will Be Unreversable Under TTIP

Tory Admit Mistake In Privatisation Of NHS

Pic: Who runs GP servic es report - click to downloadAugust 2014

NHS Privatisation Via Private Healthcare Companies Contract Awards Continues

April 2014

News Report Confirms Lansley Lied About Privatisation Of The NHSNews Report Confirms Lansley Lied About Privatisation Of The NHS

Charging Patients For Health Care Would Be An NHS Poll Tax

March 2014

Labour Party Lord Calls To End Free Healthcare From The NHS

Opting Out Of Your Private Medical Data Harvesting By Government

Hundreds Of Thousands Petitioners Cause Delay To Role Out Of Care.data Medical Records Harvesting

February 2014

Liberty Object To NHS Medical Records Harvesting And Sell-Off

Harvesting Of Your NHS Patient Personal Data For Sale Begins In Two Weeks!

US Healthcare Companies Circling The NHS Are Now “On Notice”, Says TUC


October 2013

US Healthcare Boss To Be Appointed Chief Executive Of NHS England Next Year

September 2013

GPs Ordered To Provide Patient Records For Sale To Private Health Companies

April 2013

April 24th 2013: The Day The NHS Was Privatised

Image: NHS constitution is meaninglessLabour Urges Lords To Halt NHS Funeral And Burial

Crawling From Camberwell Green To Downing St In Protest At Privatisation Of NHS

Last Chance To Halt The NHS Privatisation And Funeral On 24th April

Americanisation Of Health Care Nearer As NHS Charging Being Considered

March 2013

TUC Warn Of The Imminent Privatisation Of The NHS Asking You To Write To The Lords

The Face Of Future Tragedies In A Privatised NHS?

February 2013

TUC Urgent Call For Action In Opposing NHS Competition Regulations

The Final Nail In The NHS Coffin Hammered In By New Regulations

Image: Guardian article


December 2012

Privatisation Of NHS Community Health Care Going Unnoticed

Government Admit NHS Budget Has Actually Been Cut In Real Terms

November 2012

E-Petition Demanding Investigation Into MPs Vested Financial Interests In NHS privatisation Launched

So Campaigns Can’t Stop NHS Privatisation?

October 2012

Campaign To Save Manchester's Ambulance Service From Privatisation Gathers Public Support

Campaign Launched Against Arriva Take Over Of Manchester’s Ambulances

September 2012

Despite Protestation Labour MPs Profit From NHS Privatisation

July 2012

NHS Privatisation Steam Rolling Ahead As Hospital Sold On Friday 13th

Blood Plasma Services To Be Privatised In Move To Make Millions Profit For Treasury

May 2012

Labour Announces Whistleblowers Initiative To Reveal Damage To NHS

Lansley Blasted By RCN And ICO Over NHS

April 2012

Government Indicted For Behaviour Over HSC Bill And Looses Attempt To Hide NHS Risk Register

March 2012

Tories Bury The NHS And Privatise Health Care In England US Style

Protests Against Privatisation Of NHS Continue As News Media Refuse To Report And Police Tactics Intimidate

Childrens Services First Casualty Of Privatised And Fragmented NHS

February 2012

NHS Bill Proves E-Petitions Are Tory Gimmick As Drop The Bill Petition Ignored

Debate Demanding Gov Publicise NHS Risk Register Due Today

Construction Workers Should Oppose Health Bill And Defend The NHS

Public Health Services Set To Be Charged Under Health Care Services Bill

January 2012

Crucial Phase To Protect NHS Writes Andy Burnham MP


December 2011

Drop The Bill NHS Rally Announced

October 2011

Campaign By 38 Degrees To Defend NHS From Privatisation Continues

Libdem Peer Stabs The NHS In The Back In House Of Lords NHS Debate

September 2011

UK Uncut To Shut Down Westminster Bridge In Protest Over NHS Bill

NHS Bill Is Toxic Cocktail Of Competition, Markets And Cuts Says TUC

Unison Video Welcomes All To The Future NHS

The USHCS Takes Over NHS September 2011

Labour Reveals Hidden Cost Of Camerons NHS Reorganisation

August 2011

Legal Advice Confirms Death Of NHS If Health And Social Care Bill Becomes Law

July 2011

The Day The Death Warrant For The NHS Was Signed- 19th July 2011

Campaigners Celebrate The 63rd Birthday Of The National Health Service

NHS Privatisation And Competition Remains Fully Intact

UNISON Gives Government NHS Birthday Wish List

June 2011

Battle For The NHS Continues As Government Amendments To Bill Rejected By Doctors

Any Qualified Provider Remains As NHS Privatisation Planned To Be Phased In

NHS Future Forum Report Into Radical Reformation Of NHS Bill Published

UNISON Response To NHS Future Forum NHS Report

May 2011

Wheel Chair Bound Pensioners Use London Bus In Demonstration

Protesters Arrested Outside NHS Privatisation Think Tank Building

UK Uncut Targets Banks In Emergency Operation Against NHS Shakeup

Minutes Show Cameron Met NHS Advisor Britnell Despite Denials

Tories Plan To Privatise NHS And Introduce Charging For Drugs And Treatment

Clegg Surprised By Anti NHS Privatisation Petition

April 2011

Massive Opposition To Privatisation Of The NHS Blood Service

Over Quarter Of A Million View Protest Video Against Privatisation Of NHS

NW BTU Co-ord Chair Says Urgent Action Required To Save NHS

Patients And Staff Will Be Losers Of NHS Reforms Says TUC

Even Tebbit Is Against Tory Privatisation Of The NHS

March 2011

Health Workers And Users Come 'All Together' To Save The NHS

38 Degrees To Help Save The NHS

NHS Reform Paves Way For American Healthcare Companies And GPs To Profit From Sick Patients


Pic: Bak to News icon link

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