CWU Branch Merseyside Amal's lead Union Learning Rep, Dave Brownbill knows that Christmas can be a time of stress, anxiety, and depression for many people, but especially for those of us with mental health challenges we face everyday.
The over-commercialisation, the peer pressure to be 'jolly' and 'festive', to socialise and make new friends; can all be too much for many. Creating as it does, financial debt and loneliness; this time of the year can push us over and even drop us over the cliff, as a friend often phrases the feelings of despair occurring during the 'festive season'.
Dave has produced a superb guide of support sources and information using a Microsoft Sway presentation, pictured to the right of this article, which is entirely free and can be downloaded by clicking on the image of the document.
The issues covered include real people commentary about their difficulties at Christmas and how they are able to manage this difficult period in their lives. Some of the scenarios that are covered in his Sway document include:
* Money worries
* Practical issues
* People who aren't around
* Loneliness
* Difficult situations and relationships
* Society and the outside world
* Access to support and services
* Being in hospital
Dave has sourced the material for his document from Mind, and presented it in an easy to read and access document, which can be printed or saved. The advantage to reading it on line is that it contains small videos from people offering their experience and coping skills; helping them to stabilise their mental health enough to deal with December's stresses and anxieties, as well as for those affected by financial worries before and after Christmas.
Click the image to the right in order to download/view Dave's Sway document.
Dave is a supporter of the CWU NW Regional Health Network, and is a key contributor to their What's App group which includes many of the region's Mental Health First Aiders. He sends his best wishes to all and hopes his Sway Document provides a source of help and support this Christmas and through into the New Year.