HSE Prosecute British Nuclear Group Following Leak At Sellafield

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is bringing a criminal prosecution against British Nuclear Group Sellafield Ltd (BNGSL) in connection with an incident at the Sellafield reprocessing site.

The prosecution follows a detailed investigation by HSE's Nuclear Installations Inspectorate into a leak of radioactive liquor inside a heavily shielded facility at the THermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant (THORP).

HSE was notified of the incident on 20 April 2005 .

HSE has applied to the courts for summonses alleging that BNGSL breached three conditions attached to the Sellafield site licence granted under the Nuclear Installations Act 1965 (as amended). In summary these conditions require the licensee: to make, and comply with, written instructions; to ensure safety systems are in good working order; and to ensure radioactive material is contained and, if leaks occur, they are detected and reported.

An initial hearing is scheduled for 8 June 2006 at Whitehaven Magistrates Court, Cumbria.

Notes to editors

1. The Nuclear Installations Act 1965 (as amended) provides for the licensing and inspection of sites used for operating nuclear reactors; manufacturing, storing and reprocessing nuclear fuel and related activities. No site may be used for operating a nuclear installation without a licence granted by HSE. The form of the site licence is the same for each installation and contains a standard set of 36 conditions, dealing with a variety of safety requirements. Contravention of any condition constitutes an offence under the Act.

2. THORP reprocesses nuclear fuel from overseas and UK second-generation commercial reactors. The plant has been shut since April 2005. The liquor leaked into a stainless steel-lined cell with 1.5m thick concrete walls. There is no current evidence of any harm to workers or the public.

3. Your attention is drawn to the fact that the provisions of the Contempt of Court Act apply to this matter.


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