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Twenty Years Anniversary For The Institute Of Employment Rights

20 Years of Institute of Employment RightsThis month the Institute of Employment Rights will celebrate its 20th Anniversary.

In recognition of the work undertaken for IER by academic and legal experts who give so generously of their time and knowledge and in thanks to those trade unions who disseminate our ideas throughout their networks, IER will be publishing a 20th Anniversary special report.              

The institute will also be dedicating a section of their website to comments from subscribers, readers and supporters.

When the site is open readers will be invited to add their thoughts and comments on what has been done so far and what still needs to be done if the Institute is to achieve fairness at work.

If you want to show your support for IER, all the names of individuals and Branches who donate to the special 20th Anniversary Appeal, will be listed on the website

Any financial donation given go towards maintaining and extending the work of the Institute. Donators giving more than £10 you will be sent a copy of the Anniversary Report.

Carolyn Jones, Director of the Institute, in announcing the anniversary of the institute said,

"Of course while we are all proud of what IER has achieved during its 20 years of activity, that sense of pride is dented in the knowledge that UK workers still enjoy fewer rights than others -  most noticeably workers in western Europe. And trade unions are still burdened by unduly restrictive laws which prevent them doing their job – representing and supporting workers.

While unfairness and injustice remains, IER will continue to offer ideas, arguments and progressive policy proposals for the consideration of the labour movement."

If you would like to assist us in the Institute of Employment Rights' work you can join here 

For the latest conference being held on the Employment Act see our Events page.

Source: IER

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