2024-05-16 17:54


Below are links to specific websites that the Mental Health Network organisers recommend for those who are seeking Mental Health information, support, and documenation.

The links are displayed in no specific order

Mental Health Network E-Library - Provides support documentation, Sign Posting to support services

Unionsafety E-Library - Provides documenation, research, information on all aspects affecting Mental Health

Paul Lavelle Foundation - A Charity that raises awareness of male domestic abuse, supports male victims and

survivors and provide healthy relationship education as a preventative measure.

Mental Health Foundation - Provides a wealth of information regarding mental health designed to give you more

information about mental health and to help you to look after your mental health.

The Samaritans - provides someone to talk to if you or someone you know is feeling depressed or suicidal




Designed & Content: Mark Holt Jamie McGovern

Hosted: Unionsafety